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时间:2022-08-10 13:30:03 来源:网友投稿

 1. Rise: (rise-rose-risen )

 Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy. (get out of bed) The moon has not yet risen. (sun or moon appears in the sky) In the first half of this year the total coal output rose by eighty per cent as compared with that of last year. (amount or degree increases) 注:区分 arise, raise, arouse, rise ( 及物性与词义两 方面区别 别) 2. flourish: If something?flourishes, it is successful, active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly. Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day. Best wishes for our flouring country. (adj) 3. in the hope of= hoping to

 In the hope of getting CET-4, I participate in the classes. 3. trade-off A trade-off?is a situation where you make a compromise between two things, or where you exchange all or part of one thing for another. 妥协; 交换 4. excessive (adj) ?If you describe the amount or level of something as?excessive, you disapprove of it because it is more or higher than is necessary or reasonable.

 Excessive spending, excessive food 5. Bureaucracy: ? 官僚主义;官僚机构 6. forge: If one person or institution?forges?an agreement or relationship with another, they create it with a lot of hard work, hoping that it will be strong or lasting.? Forge a good relationship with leaders, parents and friends. 7. While the emphasis on teaching to higher, test-driven standards as set in NO Child Left Behind resulted in significantly better performance in elementary (and some middle ) schools, high schools for a variety of reasons seemed to have made little progress.

 As 作为关系代词表示“正如” 8. Countertrend :opposite to a trend Counter: opposite, against ( 反对、相反) Counterbalance: 抗平衡 countemeasures ( 对策) , counterflow (逆流)

 9. enrollment

 If you?enrol?or?are enrolled?at an institution or in a class, you officially join it.

 I was enrolled in LanZhou Traffic University last year. 10 Charter school: 特许学校 文 特许学校是英文 Charter school 的译称 , , 特许学校与政府之间是一种的关系(通常三至五年),学校必须在契约规定期间保证达成双方认可的经营目标。这种目标通常是以改进学校教学现状为主,因此,多数属于教育革新的实验学校。也因为是教育实验性质,所以特许学校通常可以免除例行性教育行政法规的,如各学科授课时数、教学进度、教师工作准则、薪资规定以及例行性的报表等。

 特许” 学校的优点 的特许学校一方面具备公立学校公平、公正、低学费的优点,另一方面又有私立学校重视经营绩效的优点,同时也可以激发各种创新的教育实验,并且可以透过竞争压力,刺激一般公立学校提升学校经营及教学质量,因此,已成为美国新世纪学校的典范。此种型态的公办民营学校的功能,与我国此刻正努力提升教育质量的方向是一致的,因此甚值得参考。

 12. “磁石学校”顾名思义,就是“有吸引力的学校”,又称为“特色学校”。它办学特点鲜明,针对儿童特殊兴趣爱好,开设富有特色的课程。在磁石学校,学生可以学习读。写。算等基本技能,亦可习得特殊专长的学科,如音乐。戏剧。电脑。法律及其视觉艺术等等;学校形式极为多样,如高智天才学校。外语学校。蒙台梭利学校。科技学校。艺术学校等。磁石学校没有学区和入学条件的限制,学生可以自愿申请入学,由电脑编班入学。

 13. sanction V-T?If someone in authority?sanctions?an action or practice, they officially approve of it and allow it to be done.

 LanZhou Traffic University sanctions the foundation of New Energy and Power Engineering College in WuWei. 14. alternative school: 选择学校,很多都是一些有犯罪纪录和无人看管的还有一些生理障碍的孩子上的,它独立于其他公立或者私利的高中,采用一种特殊的教育模式,一般都是寄宿的。然后通过这种学校“感化”的孩子也可以继续去普通学校上学。

 Alternative: If one thing is an?alternative?to?another, the first can be found, used, or done instead of the second. (n) Treat me as an alternative of your ex-boyfriend. ADJ?An?alternative?plan or offer is different from the one that you already have, and can be done or used instead.

 Alternative approach 15. boast

 V-T/V-I?If someone?boasts?about something that they have done or that they own, they talk about it very proudly, in a way that other people may find irritating or offensive.. Never be a boaster,

  be low-key 16. slide If currencies or prices?slide, they gradually become worse or lower in value Sliding English level 17.affectionate: If you are?affectionate, you show your love or fondness for another person in the way that you behave toward them.

 Look at each other affectionately

 Unaffectionate: without love 18. file out of When there is a?fire, it is?important?that?people?file?out?of?the?building?in?an?orderly way. 19: discipline Discipline?is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behaviour, and punishing them when they do not. Class discipline 20. advisory

 An?advisory?group regularly gives suggestions and help to people or organizations, especially about a particular subject or area of activity. Advisor advisee 21.cultivate If you?cultivate?an attitude, image, or skill, you try hard to develop it and make it stronger or better.

 22.reinforce ?If something?reinforces?a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense.

 Reinforce my memory 23. institution An?institution?is a large important organization such as a university, church, or bank Financial institution, government institution

 24. demanding

 People who are?demanding?are not easily satisfied or pleased. 25,come in = become popular 26. superintendent=leader/director A?superintendent?is a person who is responsible for a particular thing or the work done in a particular department. 27: controversial If you describe something or someone as?controversial, you mean that they are the subject of intense public argument, disagreement, or disapproval.

 Being a controversial person is terrible 28: fussy ADJ?Someone who is?fussy?is very concerned with unimportant details and is difficult to please.

 Fussy about food, friend 29. bother: trouble you

  If someone?bothers?you, they talk to you when you want to be left alone or interrupt you when you are busy.

 30. sensible: Sensible?actions or decisions are good because they are based on reasons rather than emotions.? Sensible choice 31. facilities

 Facilities?are buildings, pieces of equipment, or services that are provided for a particular purpose. Recreational facilities in square, 32. lodge A?lodge?is a house or hotel in the country or in the mountains where people stay on holiday, especially when they want to hunt or fish.? 33. Switzerland ,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,由、、和组成,简称英国。

 34.apply for ?If you?apply?for?something such as a job or membership of an organization, you write a letter or fill out a form in order to ask formally for it.

 Apply for a job 35.certificate: ?A?certificate?is an official document stating that particular facts are true.

 CET certificate 36.

 Bargain ?Something that is a?bargain?is good value, usually because it has been sold at a lower price than normal.? Buy some bargains on TAOBAO 37. Special: 特色菜,特产 38. routine You use?routine?to describe activities that are done as a normal part of a job or process.? Routine dishes 39 conduct When you?conduct?an activity or task, you organize it and do it Conduct a “clear-your-plate” campaign 40.scratch If you do something?from scratch, you do it without making use of anything that has been done before Building a home from scratch =start from beginning 41: Take over a company= get control of it 42: ? If you?take?time?off, you obtain permission not to go to work for a short period of time.? We’re not allowed to take off randomly. 43. Basque Country 巴斯克自治区,位于西班牙北部,由三个小省:、比斯开和组成,212.4846 万(2005),7234多平方公里,东北与接壤。它位于区,有茂密的树林和葱绿的牧场,长长的山谷和湍急的溪流。1902 年翻越比利牛斯山进入西班牙时,禁不住赋长歌赞叹这绝色美景:“亭亭旗盖出,森森金斧批。涧流泻绝底,浑灏黄河窄。浓姿若美人,容华倚天末。不知衡岱色,颇觉台庐索。” 44.

 Geographical?or?geographic?means concerned with or relating to geography. 45. hilly:

 ADJ ?A?hilly?area has many hills. 46.mutual You use?mutual?to describe something such as an interest which two or more people share. Mutual interests are important for lovers. 47 Nonetheless: J 尽管如此,但是 48. Rather

 ADV?You use?rather?when you are correcting something that you have just said, especially when you are describing a particular situation after saying what it is not. (尤指修正上文时) 更确切地说? 49. Parking meter(仪表): A?parking meter?is a device that you put money into when you park in a parking space 50. Insight

 N-VAR?If you gain?insight?or an?insight?into?a complex situation or problem, you gain an accurate and deep understanding of it.

 51: chaos Chaos?is a state of complete disorder and confusion.

 In a chaos 52 property Someone"s?property?is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them.

 53. lie around Put something randomly and everywhere 54.relief If something provides?relief?from?pain or distress, it stops the pain or distress.

 Stress relief approach 55. food bank 是非牟利的慈善组织,它们收集主要是募捐而来的食物,然后再免费提供给许许多多的机构,譬如孤儿院、学校、慈善团体等。

 56. in the wake of=with the coming of

 57. recession A?recession?is a period when the economy of a country is doing badly, for example because industry is producing less and more people are becoming unemployed.? Economic recession ------flourishing economy 58. contribute to=make an effect on

 59. endure: last for more time Enduring friendship 60. meltdown

 The?meltdown?of a company, organization, or system is its sudden and complete failure Financial meltdown= economic crisis 61 community The community?is all the people who live in a particular area or place. 社区

 a particular?community?is a group of people who are similar in some way. 团体 62. 0dd=strange, unusual

 Odd jobs: temporary and unimportant jobs

 63. boost ?If one thing?boosts?another, it causes it to increase, improve, or be more successful.? Crime boost 64.overwhelm If a group of people?overwhelm?a place or another group, they gain complete control or victory over them. Overwhelm everything preventing me from success 65. Land If you?land?in?an unpleasant situation or place or if something?lands?you?init, something causes you to be in it. Land in forever sufferings 66. 英语当中的常见逻辑连接词 表递进:moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition, additionally, what’s more, 表转折:however, erth nev eless, otherwise 表对比:whereas,while, 表示原因的连词:because, since, as, now that… 表示结果的连词:so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result 示让步和转折的连词:however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, though, yet, in spite of, at any rate, in any case, whoever, whatever 表示对照的连词:on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, in comparison, by comparison, conversely 表示补充的连词:also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, what’s more, too, either, neither, not…but…, not only…but also… 表示时间顺序的连词:when, while, as, after, before, since, until, as soon as, once 表示目的的连词:that, so that, in order that, lest, for fear that 表示条件的连词:if, suppose (that), supposing (that), unless, in case, so (as) long as, so far as, on condition (that), provided (that), providing (that) 67. To?expose?something that is usually hidden means to uncover it so that it can be seen. Expose truth and lies To?exploit?resources or raw materials means to develop them and use them for industry or commercial activities.?

 If you say that someone?is exploiting?you, you think that they are treating you unfairly by using your work or ideas and giving you very little in return f you?explore, or?explore?a place, you travel around it to find out what it is like.

 68. reflect on 反思,回想 68. in line with=in accordance with 和….一致 69. toughen If you?toughen?something or if it?toughens, you make it stronger so that it will not break easily.

 Toughen me up 使强壮,使坚强起来 做题时应注意文章中的搭配:

 ☆逻辑搭配:包括过渡词、连接手段、指代关系、肯定、否定等; ☆语义搭配:包括区别同义词、近义词、反义词、形近异义词、同形异义词; ☆结构搭配:指名词、动词、形容词等在句中或文中与其他词的搭配; ☆惯用搭配:即通常所说的固定短语。

 AS if 用法 同 if

 当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的或极有可能发生或存在的事实时, as if 从句用陈述语气, 当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的或极少有可能发生或存在的情况时, as if 从句用虚拟语气。

 表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去式。表示与过去或与谈话时间为止发生的事实相反,谓语动词用“had +过去分词”。

 表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would / could / might + 动词原形” 倍数的表达 1.“A + be + 倍数 + as + 计量形容词原级 + as + B His father is twice as old as he 2,. A + be + 倍数 + 计量形容词比较级 + than + B The Yangtze River is almost twice longer than the Pearl River “3. A + be + 倍数 + the + 计量名词 + of + B ” The newly square is four times the size of the previous one. 4.

 “The + 计量名词 + of + A + be + 倍数 + that + of + B ” The size of the newly broadened square is four times that of the previous one With+O+oc 宾补可以是介词,形容词,过去分词,现在分词,名词,

 动词不定式的时态和被动形式 有现在时和完成时,进而有现在时的被动和完成时的被动:

 1. 一般式 to do 例如:I like to read English.. 2. 完成式 to have done 例如:He seemed to have cleaned the room. 3. 被动式 to be done 例如:The work is to be done soon. 4. 完成被动式 to have been done 例如:The boy is said to have been sent to hospital yesterday. 5. 进行式 to be doing 例如:He seemed to be reading something at that time Useful Expressions for writing Goods ,commodity,

 we can find examples with ease. an ornate bag=magnificent moon cake bag, a well-designed plastic or paper bags for clothes and gifts.

 Be keen on sth= interest in something very much ! attract customers’ attention, pursue sales volume and get economic benefits 2.customers’ wrong standards: the more delicate the package looks, the higher quality the goods is.; unreasonable consumption 3.satisfy one’s vanity, leaves a generous impression on others 4, unperfect laws and regulations Unnecessary, a waste of natural resources, bring potential danger to descendants Take measures: make some regulations on, raise public awareness, resist excessive packaging goods. 9:00 考生进考场 9:00- 9:10 发答题卡和试卷册 9:10- 9:40 作文部分 9:40- 9:55 快速阅读 9:55-10:00 收答题卡一 10:00-10:35 听力部分 11:20 收卷 作文 710×15%=106.5 分(用时 30 分钟)

 快速阅读 710×10%=71 分(7 个判断题每个 1%,3 个填空题也是 1%,单词拼写错误不给

 分,用时 15 分钟)

 听力 710×35%=248.5 分(短对话 8 个,每个 1%,长对话 8 个,每个 1%,短文 10 个,每个 1%,填词 7 个,每个 0.5%,3 个句子分别为 2%,2%,2.5%。用时 35 分钟)

 篇章阅读 710×20%(142 分)+词汇阅读 710×5%(35.5 分)(传统阅读 10 个,一个 2%,选词阅读 10%,一个 0.5%。用时 25 分钟)

 完型填空 710×10%=71 分(20 个小题,一题 0.5%。用时 15 分钟)

 翻译 710×=35.5 分 5%(一题 1%。用时 5 分钟)

 prep = 介词,preposition 的缩写 pron = 代名词,pronoun 的缩写 n = 名词,noun 的缩写 v = 动词,兼指及物动词和不及物动词,verb 的缩写 conj = 连接词 ,conjunction 的缩写 vi = 不及物动词,intransitive verb 的缩写 vt = 及物动词,transitive verb 的缩写 aux.v = 助动词 ,auxiliary 的缩写 a = 形容词,adjective 的缩写 ad = 副词,adverb 的缩写 art = 冠词,article 的缩写 num = 数词,numeral 的缩写 int = 感叹词,interjection 的缩写 u = 不可数名词,uncountable noun 的缩写 c = 可数名词,countable noun 的缩写 pl = 复数,plural 的缩写 15 选 10 阅读 1. 词性分类,动词要细分为 vt,vi,ved, ving 名词主要做主语或宾语, 形容词或名词都可以修饰名词; 限定词(the, a,this that, my)后必跟名词; 谓语动词前必有名词或名词性质的主语; 介词后面为名词或动名词; 副词修饰形容词,动词,句子或副词本身 prep,pron, n, vi, vt, v-ed, v-ing, conj, adj,adv,

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